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Newbie Gifts

Free to New Subscribers


for new subscribers to Cristina Salat's every-once-in-awhile
newsy aloha emails!

  • Want to see what's kept me moving forward on my journey to being -- and staying -- a paid author? On my bulletin board, beside name tags from speaking engagements and xeroxed copies of book advance checks, is tacked this list...FREE to new subscribers.


  • Don't want a lot of sales offers flooding your in-box though? (Great! Unless you're part of things like my special book launch teams, everyone on my regular mailing list only receives personal hello's every once in awhile...every once in an inspirational blue moon some might even say...because I'm usually immersed in my creative work!) 


  • So subscribe below & receive the: Write For A Living Treasure Map from author, ex-New York editor, filmmaker, musician, artist sanctuary founder Cristina Salat. A Green Flame Omnimedia e-Slim: Life’s Defining Moments in Slender Volumes. We exist in a time when every choice matters.

Join creative dreamcatchers worldwide for launch parties, free books, & more!

We’ll send a hello with a free gift. Please ‘white-list’ us so we wind up in your in-box. Thanks! :)

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