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Celebrating Humanity

Whew, what a few years it has been!

Still, I've been busy "beating the drum" as one friend recently remarked.

Beating the drumbeat of human evolution.

Of expanding goodness.

And even in these days of what seems like an escalating push towards all things artificial — including "intelligence" (!) — beating the soul rhythm of the right to value more highly instead, our native human intelligence and creative spark!

When receiving promotions extolling the time-saving virtues of paying machine-learning bots to compose everything from social media posts to blogs, research articles, and even novels, ask yourself: who does this serve?

It may be yet another fun new quirk of possibility following in the footsteps of robots that can now torture, and drones that can now be sent to remotely kill, but...

...bad enough that so many name-brand CEOs are talking up the bright idea of machines taking over people's jobs, without putting forth a viable alternative about how an ever-increasing then out-of-work human population is meant to survive.

Do we really want to be getting more and more of our education and entertainment from these mad scientist visions out of the robotics industry, supporting bits and bytes that can (at-the-speed-of-light) gather up what others have already said, regurgitating and repackaging it into new forms...rather than honoring the one-of-a-kind points of view born from real minds and the real (not simulated) emotions pouring forth from ordinary human hearts (to which we, real people, can probably more genuinely relate)?


Take a breath.

Unplug a bit more from the matrix today.

Support real writers.

In my latest "gifts to the world," here are a few projects that have recently taken the time to flow from my real human pen:

ACTION: The Future is Here

Photo-illustrated, novella-sized installment in the unconventional 'Gathering The Dreamcatchers' companion novel series; and probably the last bit of fiction that will precede the grand finale of this series, due out in 2023!

Available in color and b/w print + e-editions from various sources, including: or






Life Lessons From Andy Gibb & John Denver

Illustrated mini memoir; available in color and b/w print + e-editions from various sources, including these: and


Envisioning The Birth of a Naked New World

Expansive non-fiction volume taking a look at who we human beings can be when brave enough to show (and stand up for) who we really are, as we get better at seeing — & loving — the earth, each other, & ourselves. Color and b/w illustrated. Trade paperback + hardcover print available from various sources including:

(For special deal regarding private e-edition, contact the author.)

Happy almost 2023, everybody!

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